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Aggressive women look younger



American scientists have found that women with provocative behavior achieve greater success in life. They also live longer and look younger than their calm peers. Such conclusions were made by specialists from Arizona State University based on the results of an analysis of data on the work, appearance and health status of 1,348 women aged 38 to 67 years. Ladies who were prone to aggressive behavior and suppression of their real feelings achieved greater success both in their personal lives and in the career field. They boasted good health and looked 5-6 years younger than their peers. The success rates of hooligans were 67% higher for all of the above indicators. According to the author of the study, Gina Kaurish, this behavior is protective in the new conditions of life. In order to compete with men (for example, at work) and with other women (in the struggle for men), women had no choice but to accept the new rules of the game. Illustration by Yulia Gnedina

Nickolas | 20.11.2023 13:45:37